Telegram ate more than 240 Gbytes

Settings were lost after Telegram update

Yesterday, my iPhone told me that I only had 3 gigabytes of free space left. This surprised me a little, since I have a 256 Gbytes storage.

It turned out that Telegram ate all the available storage space. Telegram data used more than 240 Gbytes.

To find out what exactly is taking up space, open Settings, then General β†’ iPhone Storage

Telegram, occupied storage space

It may take some time to calculate the used space.

Telegram was in the first place.

It turned out that after updating the application, the cache storage settings were lost.

Open in Telegram: Settings β†’ Data and Storage β†’ Storage Usage

After updating the application, the KEEP MEDIA setting was set to Forever and the MAXIMUM CACHE SIZE setting to No Limit

So, I set the values I need:

Telegram, settings

Clearing cached data took a little over an hour πŸ€ͺ

Need to remember for the future that after updating Telegram, it is better to double-check these settings.

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